
Lily - Washington State Chapter Founder

Lily is 17 years old and from the surrounding Seattle area. She is apart of the Cheer and Track team at her High school and enjoy practicing Photography in her everyday life. Lily is very grateful to be involved with Highlight Lives because of the impact abuse has had on her life and how she wish to make a positive impact on the lives of victims as well.

Niki - Pleasant Hill Chapter FounderWhen Niki heard about Highlight Lives she knew instantly she wanted to be apart of it. She has witnessed domestic violence, and acknowledges that domestic violence is ignored since it happens behind close doors, a…

Niki - Pleasant Hill Chapter Founder

When Niki heard about Highlight Lives she knew instantly she wanted to be apart of it. She has witnessed domestic violence, and acknowledges that domestic violence is ignored since it happens behind close doors, and it takes a lot of strength to get out of it. She joined Highlight Lives to do as much as she can to help victims of domestic violence. Niki wants to have a voice so that the ones without a voice can be heard.


Peter - North Bay Area Chapter Founder

Peter is a third degree black belt a current junior at Redwood High School. He enjoys working in the community and does this through his volunteer work in the bird hospital at Wildcare and various other park cleanup projects. He also babysits and works at TKD camp during the summer.

Ria - Alameda County Chapter Founder and Outreach DirectorRia is a junior at Foothill High School in Pleasanton, CA. She is very happy to be working with Highlight Lives. When Ria is not reaching out to charities, she likes to run and play guitar. R…

Ria - Alameda County Chapter Founder and Outreach Director

Ria is a junior at Foothill High School in Pleasanton, CA. She is very happy to be working with Highlight Lives. When Ria is not reaching out to charities, she likes to run and play guitar. Ria hope you donate to help out those in need during this pandemic!


Savannah - Lamorinda Chapter Founder

Savannah is going to be a senior at Acalanes high school next year.  She loves to be active and meeting new people. Savannah wanted to get involved with Highlight Lives because of her own personal experiences, and to help others.

Ryan - Highlight Lives FounderRyan is a high school student. Since the beginning of the spread of COVID-19, as many victims are now confined to the same houses as their abusers with national stay at home orders, Ryan has been greatly disturbed by th…

Ryan - Highlight Lives Founder

Highlight Lives is a website Ryan established that allows people all across the country to donate to domestic violence charities of their choice (both local and national). With COVID-19 causing most states to instate some form of shelter in place or stay at home orders, victims are now confined to the same homes as their abusers. The website allows people to donate what they would normally spend on routine beauty treatments (anything from highlights, to nails, or botox) to a domestic violence charity of their choice on our website.